The object of the auction - know-how “Methodology for feasibility study of energy efficiency projects for urban heating system” had been developed in the framework of the Latvian Council of Science project lzp-2021/1-0108 (Nr.Z-LZP123-ZR-N-231) “Sustainable management of the urban heating system under EU Fit for 55 package: research and development of the methodology and tool”. The study had been conducted by the Laboratory of Innovative Information Technologies of the Faculty of Computing of University of Latvia (UL), the Institute of Numerical Modelling of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry (UL) and the Scientific Institute of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (UL).

General information.

The described easy-to-use methodology is intended for sustainable management of the urban heating system reconstruction program and for regular evaluation of building renovation and heating system reconstruction projects in order to create a comprehensive dynamic vision of progress. The proposed methodology allows a quick and at the same time accurate and objective analysis of the potential and benefits of the different building renovation depths and corresponding heating system renovation variants in a given area during the pre-design stage, as well as aggregate them according to their efficiency. A limited number of open indicators are used; the use of the methodology does not require special knowledge in the field of thermal physics, economics, information technology and/or construction. The developed methodology shows (1) the achievable heat consumption and primary energy savings, (2) the dominant reduction in CO2 emissions, (3) changes in tariffs and heating costs, and (4) the necessary investments. General information about the IP object can be found here.

For additional information, please refer to the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office of the University of Latvia, phone: +371 26128036, email:

The multi-stage auction with an ascending bidding format is scheduled to occur on September 20, 2024, at 16:30. The event will be conducted remotely through the MS Teams online platform.

Important dates for participation in the auction process:
Interested parties apply for consultations on the potential market and auction rules – 30 August 2024;
Interested parties submit a completed consultation document - 4 September 2024;
Interested parties apply for participation in the auction – 16 September 2024;
Auction – 20 September 2024.

IP object documentation:
Detailed description of the IP object
Auction rules
License Agreement