Diagnostics of mineral nutrition of crops and development of recommendations for its optimization

Mineral nutrition diagnostics for field crops (cereals, rapeseed, vegetables, etc.), greenhouse plants, including hydroponically grown vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.), berry bushes, including non-traditional crops such as American highbush cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, lingonberries, by conducting environmental studies (soil, substrates, nutrient solutions) and plant research.

Anita Osvalde
(anita.osvalde@lu.lv; +371 26167529;

Research and evaluation of the impact of different fertilizers and products of organic origin on plant supply with nutrients

Consultations on the development of substrate and fertilizer formulations for the cultivation and fertilization of various agricultural and decorative crops. Testing of fertilizers and substrates, evaluating the results of plant mineral nutrition diagnostics obtained in experimental studies.

Andis Karlsons


Research on the impact of environmental factors on mineral nutrition of different tree species in urban and forest conditions

Research on the impact of salinity, nutrient element imbalances, and heavy metal pollution on urban trees, exploration of optimization possibilities for mineral nutrition in forest trees, and development of recommendations for improving tree conditions.

Gunta Čekstere