Business management

Strategic management

Studies related to strategic management, organizational management, implementation of management systems, reorganization, strategy development, the implementation and monitoring of its execution, creation of an innovation system, financial management, and strategic planning.

Gundars Bērziņš
(; +371 67034946;

Big data analysis

Big data analysis, including the development of a mathematical model for large-scale data processing and fundamental research for creating business indices.

Gundars Bērziņš
(; +371 67034946;

Management of research projects

Research project management, both in Latvia and internationally, involves project budget planning, team member selection, communication process management, and preparation of project reports.

Gundars Bērziņš
(; +371 67034946;

Ergonomics/human factors, business efficiency, labor protection

Studies of ergonomics, which integrates various disciplines to improve the interaction between man and technology, including human physical and mental abilities, as well as the application of technology and the work environment to create a more productive and safe working environment. Business performance (LEAN) and business process improvement to reduce costs, improve quality and improve customer satisfaction. Assessing and reducing the risks of the working environment by developing and implementing appropriate protective measures and procedures, as well as ensuring the health and safety of workers.

Henrijs Kaļķis
(; +371 29739399;  

The impact of the internal business environment on sustainability

The studies of leadership in managing organizational values, promoting ethical behavior, and fostering a decision-making culture that considers social and environmental impact. Specifically, examination of how management practices influence employee performance and how businesses can balance economic goals with social and environmental responsibility. Studies of internal environment of organizations, incl. factors such as employee engagement and performance feedback, to gain a deeper understanding of their impact on organizational behavior.

Laila Cekule (; +371 29229087;

Decision making in the context of starting a business

The research focuses on the decision-making processes of entrepreneurs and the factors influencing their behavior when initiating a business. Specifically, examination of how entrepreneurs weigh trade-offs, set priorities, and evaluate the impact of their decisions on business success. Studies of decision-making management strategies for starting a business, as well as professional behavior solutions.

Laila Cekule (; +371 29229087;

Finance and credit

Financial management and analysis

Financial management and analysis issues, including analysis, financing, financial planning, etc.

Inna Romānova
(; +371 67034945;

Larisa Bule
(; +371 29610241;

Development of FinTech

Studies on the development and application of technology in finance.

Inna Romānova
(; +371 67034945;

Digital transformation and sustainability in finance and accounting

Research on financial markets, accounting, taxation, corporate finance, insurance and investment strategies, how to use digital transformation to create a sustainable financial ecosystem. Research on legal and regulatory implications of digital transformation and how new technologies affect existing structures and processes.

Larisa Bule
(; +371 29610241;

Finance and credit, Accounting theory

Digital transformation and sustainability in finance and accounting

Research on financial markets, accounting, taxation, corporate finance, insurance, and investment strategies for leveraging digital transformation to create a more sustainable financial ecosystem. Research on legal and regulatory implications of digital transformation, as well as how new technologies affect existing structures and processes.

Ramona Rupeika-Apoga
(; +371 29331977;


The use of artificial intelligence in the marketing communication of companies/ organizations

Studies on consumer knowledge, attitude and willingness to interact with content generated by artificial intelligence, which would allow understanding the need for companies/organizations to decide on the use of artificial intelligence in marketing communication, as well as studies on the abilities of marketing specialists and the potential of companies/organizations to use artificial intelligence intelligence in marketing strategy. Studies on factors affecting the use of artificial intelligence in the marketing communication of companies/organizations, both from the point of view of consumers and from the point of view of marketing specialists, which would characterize the perspectives and directions of the use of artificial intelligence.

Anda Batraga
(; +371 67034976; +371 29224223;


Jeļena Šalkovska
(; +371 67034976;

The basic principles of the EFQM model and its application in business management

Research on the EFQM Business Excellence Model, which can help businesses achieve excellence and thereby increase their competitiveness.

Andžela Veselova
(;+371 29520273;

Quality management as a part of a company's marketing activities

Studies on product and service quality improvement that can help increase customer confidence and establish a positive reputation for the company; improving processes to ensure that marketing activities are carried out effectively and efficiently, such as planning and executing advertising campaigns; analyzing data to understand customers behavior and reaction to different marketing activities, such as using marketing research; improving customer service to ensure that customers are satisfied with the product/service; managing promotional activities to ensure that the company's message and image align with its values; monitoring and analyzing competition to understand other companies in the market, their marketing activities, and how the company can stand out from competitors.

Andžela Veselova
(; +371 29520273;

Total Quality Management principles for the improvement of business performance

Research on the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles in companies, including leadership, process approach, employee involvement, customer orientation, continuous improvement, data-driven decision making, and other important factors that contribute to successful business performance. Development of TQM principles worldwide, the study of quality awards based on TQM principles, as well as investigating the situation in Latvia and identifying possible measures for improvement.

Andžela Veselova
(; +371 29520273;

Compliance of quality management systems with ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 56002 standards

Research on the necessity for the most popular quality management systems, including the factors that promote or hinder their implementation, involving in-depth research on the hindering factors, as well as developing possible solutions to improve the situation. Development of quality management systems worldwide, researching statistical data, identifying common trends, as well as identifying the situation and potential issues in Latvia.

Andžela Veselova
(; +371 29520273;

Planning and management of a company’s quality and marketing to increase competitiveness

Research on quality and marketing management, including planning process issues, involving research on quality requirements and customer demands, identifying necessary resources and potential risks, as well as assessing the effectiveness of implemented performance indicators; aspects of the interaction between quality management and marketing - determining common goals and strategies, developing and implementing joint actions, planning resources, evaluating effectiveness, etc.

Andžela Veselova
(; +371 29520273;

Other economic and business subgroups

Strategic management in organisations

In-depth expertise in research on strategic management in various types of organizations, including non-governmental organizations and trade unions; role of leadership and communication in the development, implementation, and evaluation stages of strategy.

Antra Līne
(; +371 67034980;


Research on management, entrepreneurship, competitive intelligence, innovation, strategic management, project management, communication, company competitiveness, information and communication technologies, information dissemination, risk analysis, systems analysis.

Andrejs Cekuls
(; +371 67034968;

Public administration

Studies related to public administration, local (including direct) democracy, and public trust in Latvia, legal, institutional, and practical aspects of citizen participation at the level of state administration and local government.

Lilita Seimuškāne
(; +371 29287088;