Geospace research


Observations of different space objects using LU GGI optical tracking system. Star image processing. Searching the Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) and observations of satellites in geostationary orbit or in lower orbits.


Diāna Haritonova

Post-processing of GNSS data with Bernese GNSS Software

Processing of GNSS base station data as well as static (>2h) measurement data with Bernese GNSS Software. GNSS measurement coordinates are calculated, and their transformation is performed as necessary. Further data analysis is possible, such as studying the effects of the ionosphere on GNSS data.

Inese Vārna

Vertical deflection measurements with digital zenith camera VESTA, data processing

Planning of measurements, measurements of vertical deflections with digital zenith camera VESTA, processing of obtained data using ztcontrol software. It is possible to collect additional meteo data during the measurement session, for example, by flying a drone (with an installed meteo sensor) to study the influence of anomalous refraction on vertical deflection measurements.

Inese Vārna

Time series analysis

Time series analysis of GNSS coordinates and vertical deflection measurement results – trend, seasonality, noise characteristics, signal processing in time and frequency domain.

Inese Vārna

Data analysis and visualization with Python

Conversion of various geodetic measurement file formats, statistical analysis, data visualization for presentation materials.

Inese Vārna


Capturing images from various viewpoints and further processing them to obtain three-dimensional (3D) information about the object, for example in geodesy, cartography, engineering, and other fields.

Jurijs Ješkins

Applied geography and geomatics

Creating of Geographical database systems 

Creation and maintenance of geographic database systems. Updating and analysis of databases. Data spatial analyses and urban evaluation. Preparation and adaptation of digital layers according to the research conditions.

Irīna Baltmane

Data spatial analyze  

Data collection and calculation using BERNESE software. Compilation of calculation results.

Irīna Baltmane

Applied geology

Geophysical research - magnetic, gravity and ground penetrating radar surveying

Geophysical exploration using magnetic, gravity and ground-penetrating-radar methods for industry purposes (mineral exploration, detection of infrastructure, etc.) and academic purposes (determining the distribution of geological structures, archaeological survey, etc.).

Matīss Brants
(; +371 22455633;

Geophysical modelling

Processing geophysical data and creating models with various programming languages and data processing software, for example, calculation of seismic wave propagation speed, Earth's electrical resistance, rock density or magnetic properties in the form of models.

Viesturs Zandersons
(; +371 25954818;

Geological modeling 

Creation of geological models, taking into account the publicly available and obtained geological and geophysical measurements.  

Viesturs Zandersons
(; +371 25954818;

Acquisition of geophysical and geological data  

Development and planning of field studies, operation with specialized geophysical and geological equipment for the purpose of mapping rock properties.

Viesturs Zandersons
(; +371 25954818;

Soil mechanics 

Derivement of soil’s mechanical properties. Field and laboratory tests to determine the mechanical properties of soil's analytical solutions and/or constitutive models for modeling soil behavior in order to ensure soil stability and limit deformations while controlling groundwater flow and groundwater pore pressure.

Māris Krievāns
(; +371 26183313;


Planning and implementation hydrological field research campaigns. Processing and analysis of large data sets in R environment. Planning and organizing work of a research group; project management. Integration and analysis and interpretation of hydrological, meteorological, and ecological data sets

Andis Kalvāns
(; +371 26545112;

Data handling and analysis

Solutions for processing, analyzing and visualizing geological and environmental data of various formats and scales, including spatially related data and time series data.

Alise Babre
(; +371 29358291;


Exploration of minerals and reserves

The group of services covers exploratory tests of mineral reserves found in Latvia, which are carried out to obtain knowledge about the geometric configuration, thickness, distribution of a mineral deposit, and by conducting additional tests, it is possible to determine the content of the mineral component in the entire stratum, as well as to model its spatial location and calculate reserves.

Jānis Karušs
(;  +371 28220717‬;

Māris Krievāns
(; +371 26183313;

Geological and hydrogeological modeling

As a result of mathematical modeling, a three-dimensional structural model of the geological environment and a hydrogeological model are obtained, including modeling the flow, composition and transport of groundwater substances.

Jānis Bikše
(; +371 29844924;

Viesturs Zandersons (geological modelling)

Jānis Bikše & Aija Dēliņa (hydrogeological modeling)

Research on the composition and quality of minerals

The group of services includes methods that can be used to analyze the chemical, phase, petrographic, mineralogical composition of rocks, as well as to determine the physical properties of rocks. The collected methods can determine the quality and strength of minerals and their compliance with standards.

Ģirts Stinkulis
(; +371 26588598;

Hydrological and hydrogeological studies

The service group includes both surface water research (rivers, lakes, reservoirs) and groundwater research, including groundwater. As a result of the research, it is possible to assess the state of the aquatic environment, the physicochemical properties of water, as well as the dynamics of water (throughput, filtration properties). A system of hydrological or hydrogeological monitoring can be developed and implemented, and intelligent hydrogeological studies can also be carried out. The expert group has extensive experience in creating hydrogeological models to identify various problems, as well as in the study of hydraulic structures.

Jānis Bikše 
(; +371 29844924;

Aija Dēliņa
(; ​​

Andris Kalvāns

Determination of stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, δ13C)

Determination of stable isotopes of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon in natural water and solid samples.

Alise Babre
(; +371 29358291;

Determination of the strength of dolomite chips

The strength test of dolomite chips is carried out by two methods: the Los Angeles test and the Micro-Deval test. Dolomite chips can be prepared according to the results of tests for the required fraction using a stone crusher.

Ģirts Stinkulis
(; +371 26588598;

Determination of filtration properties in samples and in situ

The study covers a wide range of methods designed to determine the filtration properties of rocks in both undisturbed and disturbed soil samples in laboratory and field conditions.

Andis Kalvāns

Nature protection

Support for water management and implementation of EU water policies

Water Framework Directive, Groundwater Directive, Drinking Water Directive, Nitrates Directive requirements analysis, implementation and support to development of methodological frameworks and their implementation.


Inga Retiķe
(; +371 29195637;

Citizen science activities in the field of environmental

Conceptual development of citizen science tools, their implementation and development of training materials (e.g.,

Inga Retiķe
(; +371 29195637;

Science communication

Development of visuals from concept, content to final result (videos, animations, infographics, newsletters etc.).

Inga Retiķe
(; +371 29195637;

Natural product chemical composition analysis and determination of biological activity

Research on chemical composition of various plants and their biological activity. Analysis of plants and products typical for Latvia and other countries. Analysis of the chemical composition of a wide range, determination of the composition of the product of inorganic substances, as well as organic substances. Determination of the presence and quantity of various elements (C, H, N, heavy metals) and individual compounds in the product. Preparation of a wide range of extracts and purification of specific substances. Evaluation of biological activity on various test organisms by various biochemical methods (together with laboratories).

Laura Kļaviņa
(; +371 28348067;

Assessment of atmospheric pollution

Evaluation of the influence of atmospheric pollution sources, measurements using diffusion equipment, calculation of emissions, simulation of dispersion and flow dynamics. Influence of meteorological conditions on the level of pollution, the role of pollution during heat waves. Assessment and analysis of pollution by individual substances and odors, identification and quantification of the main sources

Iveta Šteinberga
(; +371 26467809;

Noise pollution assessment

Measurements and modeling of the propagation of noise pollution. Structural-frequency analysis of noise pollution. Mapping results.

Iveta Šteinberga
(; +371 26467809;

Soil science: soil calssification, soil genesis, soil mapping, soil organic matter properties

Research on various issues related to soil science, including the genesis of soils and the development of soil formation processes in connection with changes in environmental factors, physical (soil compaction, bulk density, particle size distribution, etc.) and chemical (N, C, P, CEC ) soil characteristics, saturation with bases, heavy metals, etc.), characterizing properties. Study of soil organic matter in order to determine its content, characterization of the composition of organic matter: isolation of humus fractions, spectroscopic analysis of organic matter, granulometric and density fractionation of organic matter. Soil mapping and mapping of soil properties, incl. digital soil mapping based on remote sensing and analysis of space images, modeling methods and machine learning.

Imants Kukuļs
(; +371 26185632;

Environmental bioindication, phytoindication

Phytoindicative and zooindicative methods, planning of phytoindicative studies, data processing and analysis.

Viesturs Melecis
(; +371 29191557;

Natural geography, HYDROLOGY

Ecohydrology. Soil water monitoring and modeling. Groundwater quality and quantity monitoring and research. Wetland hydrology.

Planning and implementation of hydrological field research campaigns. Processing and analysis of large data sets in R environment. Planning and organizing work of a research group; project management. Integration and analysis and interpretation of hydrological, meteorological, and ecological data sets.

Andis Kalvāns
(; +371 26545112;


Processing and analysis of the phenological data sets. Phenological modelling. Processing and analysis of large data sets in R environment. Planning and organizing work of a research group; project management. 

Andis Kalvāns
(; +371 26545112;

Mathematical modelling of hydrogeological processes

Development of conceptual and mathematical models from sampling plan to functional and non-stationary multiscale models.

Alise Babre
(; +371 29358291;

Bedrock geology

Stratigraphy of the Devonian deposits of the Baltic area 

Studies of morphology, ontogeny, distribution and paleoecology of the Devonian vertebrates, fishes and oldest tetrapods. Some papers devoted to the other Devonian and Mesozoic organisms, including cnidarians, molluscs, plant roots. Studies in the stratigraphy and sedimentology of siliciclastic deposits of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, particularly from the Baltic Devonian Basin. Studies concerning the paleobiogeography of the Devonian vertebrates and paleogeography of the Baltic Devonian Basin. 


Ervīns Lukševičs
(; +371 29608516;

Studies of structures, textures, and composition of sedimentary rocks, sedimentary environments (sedimentology)

Based on the characteristics of sedimentary rocks (grain sizes, types of layering, various measurements and additional studies in the laboratory), the sedimentary environments are interpreted. In-depth expertise in studies of Devonian sedimentary rocks (sandstones, clays, dolomites, gypsum) that are widespread in Latvia.

Ģirts Stinkulis
(; +371 26588598;

Studies of composition, quality, distribution, and formation of mineral deposits 

Use of field and laboratory methods for studies of the composition and quality of such sedimentary mineral deposits as dolomites, quartz sands, clays, limestones, etc. In-depth expertise in the regularity of the distribution and origin of commercial minerals in Latvia. Concepts on problematic, unexploited resources in the sedimentary bedrock and crystalline bedrock.

Ģirts Stinkulis
(; +371 26588598;

Communication, school lectures, excursions for children and other interested persons on geology

Conducting lectures and practical classes (with demonstrations of rock, mineral resources and minerals) for children of various ages and other interested parties. Supervision of excursions in various areas (choosing the most appropriate routes, objects) on geological topics, for example, Devonian sandstone outcrops. Communication is provided in Latvian or English.

Ģirts Stinkulis
(; +371 26588598;

Bedrock geology, other subgroups of earth science, physical geography and environmental science

Regional paleogeography of the Baltic Devonian Basin 

Studies of morphology, ontogeny, distribution and paleoecology of the Devonian vertebrates, fishes and oldest tetrapods. Studies in the stratigraphy and sedimentology of siliciclastic deposits of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, particularly from the Baltic Devonian Basin. Studies concerning the paleobiogeography of the Devonian vertebrates and paleogeography of the Baltic Devonian Basin. 


Ervīns Lukševičs
(; +371 29608516;

Environmental science

Exploring the characteristics and innovative applications of natural resources

The service group is engaged in research tests of natural resources found in Latvia, the implementation of which provides knowledge about the potential use of natural resources. After the obtained results and research, questions are being addressed about how resources can be additionally used and introduced into the production of high value-added products.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Studies of humic substances (peat, sapropel): origin, properties, purification, applied research

Study of the properties of humic substances and the development of fertilizers for plants containing humic substances.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Research of sapropel in Latvian lakes

Possibilities of practical use of sapropel.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Research into peat properties and its innovative applications

The study of the properties of peat, as well as further study of the potential uses of this resource.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Exploring the properties of clay and finding innovative applications

Study of the physicochemical properties of clays by multiparameter methods. Modification experiments that improve the properties of clay minerals, as a result of which the obtained materials can be effectively used in the immobilization (binding) of pollution, expanding the possibilities of using clay in promising branches of environmental technology with high added value.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Exploring the possibilities of recycling by-products of industry and agriculture

Studies of the possibilities of recycling industrial (ash, biochar, etc.) and agricultural (hemp stems and fibers, etc.) by-products.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Research on the quality of inland waters in Latvia

The laboratory can provide physical and chemical analyzes of water samples.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Soil quality assessment

The laboratory can provide physical and chemical analyzes of the soil and soil samples.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Determination of volatile hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons (gas chromatography)

Determination of volatile hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons in soil, domestic and industrial waste, wastewater, etc.

Māris Kļaviņš
(; +371 29479430‬;

Noise pollution measurement

Noise level measurements from various industrial and domestic facilities. Carrying out measurements using mobile equipment, interpreting the results and assessing compliance with the requirements established by law.

Iveta Šteinberga
(; +371 26467809;

Modeling noise pollution levels

Modeling the propagation of noise from equipment into the environment, taking into account the specifics of equipment operation, location and typical meteorological conditions.

Iveta Šteinberga
(; +371 26467809;

Traffic flow planning and pollution assessment

Traffic flow planning using modeling methods.

Iveta Šteinberga
(; +371 26467809;

Underwater exploration

Lakes, reservoirs, rivers, seas, etc. study of the bottom of reservoirs by a wide range of methods, including both direct studies and sampling, and indirect studies using geophysical methods.

Normunds Stivriņš,
(; +371 26859295‬;

Andis Kalvāns

Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology

Groundwater quality and pollution research

Development of water monitoring network and type; analysis of groundwater chemical composition using up to date statistical analyses; groundwater-surface water interaction identification (including seawater intrusion); development of conceptual models and water evolution paths analysis; research objects – shallow and deeper groundwater, springs, mineral water, drinking water etc.


Inga Retiķe
(; +371 29195637;

Studies on biochemical defence mechanisms of plants under nutrient imbalance and stresses caused by various environmental factors

Determination of biogenic and heavy metals in various organic objects for assessing pollution levels. Evaluation of nutrient imbalances and the influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity, light conditions) on the physiological state of plants.

Anita Osvalde
(; +371 26167529;

Research on the impact of environmental factors on mineral nutrition of different tree species in urban and forest conditions 

Research on the impact of salinity, nutrient element imbalances, and heavy metal pollution on urban trees, exploration of optimization possibilities for mineral nutrition in forest trees, and development of recommendations for improving tree conditions.

Gunta Čekstere

Other subgroups of earth science, physical geography and environmental science

Research of paleontological material of Devonian vertebrates

Organizing and conducting paleontological excavations, processing of fossil material in laboratory (mechanical and chemical preparation), determination of macroscopic and microscopic remains (taxonomic affiliation, morphology), identification of patologies in the fossil material, preparation and analysis of thin sections

Valters Alksnītis
(; +371 29735430;

Groundwater exploration

Groundwater dynamics and groundwater-surface water interaction studies. Groundwater and climate change. Groundwater level analysis and modelling by applying also machine learning models and remote sensing data sets. Hydrogeological settings and groundwater flows. Groundwater chemical composition, quality and pollution. Springs, their hydrogeological characteristics and water quality, spring catchment delineation and pressure assessment. Seawater intrusion studies. Groundwater monitoring. 

Jānis Bikše
(; +371 29844924;

Conducting of seismological monitoring 

Acquisition and processing of seismic measurements, distribution of events and maintenance of the monitoring data exchange.

Viesturs Zandersons
(; +371 25954818;

Studies in the palaeontology of the lower vertebrates (fishes and tetrapods) 

Studies of morphology, ontogeny, distribution and paleoecology of the Devonian vertebrates, fishes and oldest tetrapods. Studies in the stratigraphy and sedimentology of siliciclastic deposits of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, particularly from the Baltic Devonian Basin. Studies concerning the paleobiogeography of the Devonian vertebrates and paleogeography of the Baltic Devonian Basin. 

Ervīns Lukševičs
(; +371 29608514;


Vertical and horizontal displacements of the Earth's surface due to the global and local mass redistribution, and global and seasonal climate changes (Fennoscandian land uplift phenomenon, Baltic Sea loading, tides, etc.).

Diāna Haritonova

System dynamic modelling

System dynamic analysis and modeling of complex processes. System development forecasts, scenario development and modeling.

Iveta Šteinberga
(; +371 26467809;

Assessment of atmospheric aerosols with sensors, morphology, chemical composition and source identification

Sensory measurements, remote methods of assessment. Estimation of the morphological and chemical composition of aerosols by the SEM/EDX method, identification of the main sources of pollution. Simulation of flow dynamics in estimating the distribution of aerosols.

Iveta Šteinberga
(; +371 26467809;