
Microbiological analysis and study of microbiota

Microbiological analysis of soil, water and other samples and the study of microbiota (microflora). Competence includes determining the presence of specific microorganisms, determining the number of colony-forming units, as well as determining the antibacterial activity against selected strains by agar diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) are determined for the test substances showing the highest activity in the agar diffusion test.

Māris Seņkovs
(maris.senkovs@lu.lv; +371 29786390; https://www.lu.lv/zinatne/petnieciba/kolekcijas/latvijas-mikroorganismu-kulturu-kolekcija/)

Selection and propagation of biological plant protection agents

Isolation, selection, and cultivation of bioagents (bacteria, fungi, insect viruses, predatory mites, and entomophagous organisms) used in biological plant protection.

Līga Jankevica 
(liga.jankevica@lu.lv; +371 26183323; 

Evaluation of environmentally friendly plant protection products

Assessment of the effectiveness and suitability of environmentally friendly plant protection agents (plant extracts, entomophagous organisms, predators, parasitoids) for use in plant protection.

Līga Jankevica 
(liga.jankevica@lu.lv; +371 26183323; 

Evaluation of biological properties of plant extracts and other products used in plant protection

Assessment of the properties of plant-produced compounds, plant extracts, formulated phytopreparations, and other products used in plant protection (antibacterial and fungicidal activity), as well as evaluation of microbiological contamination.

Līga Jankevica 
(liga.jankevica@lu.lv; +371 26183323; 

Assessment of biological and microbiological quality of different substrates and products

Biological and microbiological quality assessment of various substrates (soil, peat, sapropel, humus, compost, by-products of wood processing, textiles) and products (food, cosmetics, textiles, etc.).

Līga Jankevica 
(liga.jankevica@lu.lv; +371 26183323; 

Determination of biodegradability and resistance to bacteria and microscopic fungi of different materials

Determination of biodegradation and resistance to bacteria and microscopic fungi in biotextiles using optimized microscopy methods and ISO standard methodologies.

Līga Jankevica 
(liga.jankevica@lu.lv; +371 26183323; 

Microbiological  research

Health related research.

Viktoriia Korniienko
(viktoriia.korniienko@lu.lv; +371 27748004; https://www.asi.lu.lv/en/)

Antibacterial agents

Development and research of new nanoparticles for antibacterial use.

Maksym Pogorielov
(maksym.pogorielov@lu.lv; https://www.asi.lu.lv/en/)

Microbiology, Biotechnology

Production of prebiotic and probiotic containing synbiotic products

Cultivation of probiotic bacteria on prebiotic (and its mix) containing substrats. Evaluation of probiotic growth and metabolism in the presence of prebiotics. Optimization of fermentation conditions. Developing of formulation of synbiotics products. 

Armands Vīgants
(armands.vigants@lu.lv; +371 26587528; https://www.lu.lv/en/mbi)

Microbial and enzymatic bioconversion of carbohydrates containing industry byproducts 

Bioconversion of industrial by-products and waste into products with added value using fermentation by yeasts (including non-conventional yeasts) and bacteria, as well enzymes. The optimization of bioconversion processes in laboratory scale fermenters. The analysis of fermentation products by HPLC and enzymatic methods.

Armands Vīgants
(armands.vigants@lu.lv; +371 26587528; https://www.lu.lv/en/mbi)

Fermentation equipment and experience in controlled cultivation of microorganisms

Capacities for controlled (pH, pO2, mixing, temperature) batch and fed-batch cultivation, as well as continuous cultivation in chemostat mode; gassing with various gas mixtures and applying gas analysis of the fermentor off-gas. Chromatography (HPLC), enzymatic and FTIR spectroscopic analysis of biomass and fermentation broth. Laboratory scale (up to 1 L working volume) fermentors (‘Sartorius’).

Uldis Kalnenieks

DNA assays and construction of mutant bacterial strains

Working with DNA: routine laboratory equipment (electrophresis, PCR equipment, centrifuges, equipment for electroporation, etc.) and experience necessary for DNA manipulation – isolation of chromosomal and plasmid DNA from bacteria, restriction analysis, PCR, and construction of recombinant strains.

Uldis Kalnenieks

FTIR spectroscopy analyses

Application of various infrared spectroscopy techniques and methods for qualitative and quantitative analyses of pure and multicomponent substances (incl. biomass,  cells, tissues, extracellular vesicles and  fluids, etc.), characterization and screening of samples, processs optimization e.g. for overproduction of high value target products, metabolic responces of cells  to different external conditions, growth environment, etc.

Māra Grūbe


Biophysical research

Optical coherence tomography. Raman spectroscopy and visualization. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorescence microscopy and imaging. Multispectral imaging. Laser speckle contrast imaging. Photoacoustic microscopy. Ultrasonic spectroscopy and B-scan. Application of artificial intelligence in digital pathology.

Mindaugas Tamošiūnas
(mindaugas.tamosiunas@lu.lv; +370 60016989; 

Laboratory tests

Maintenance of cell culture lines of mammalian and microbial organisms. Laboratory studies on animals. Preparation of contrast agents for ultrasound and the study of cavitation. Delivery of genes and drugs to cells and tumors by electroporation and sonoporation. Sensitized inactivation of microbial biofilms. Dosimetry of photodynamic and sonodynamic therapy. Label-free spectroscopy and imaging techniques for cancer diagnosis. Pharmacokinetic studies of drugs in experimental animals.

Mindaugas Tamošiūnas
(mindaugas.tamosiunas@lu.lv; +370 60016989; https://www.asi.lu.lv/en/)


Biochemical analysis of the composition of agricultural food and feed products (carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamins of group B, carbohydrates, polyphenols, minerals)

Research on the testing and quality assessment of new agricultural food and feed products, including the performance of biochemical analyses of product composition: carotenoids (beta-carotene and xanthophylls), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), B-group vitamins (B1 and B2 vitamins), carbohydrates, polyphenols, minerals (Ca, P).

Svetlana Vasiļjeva
(svetlana.vasiljeva@lu.lv; +371 26213703; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/


Assessing the impact of newly developed products on cells and organisms, including evaluations on bio-textiles, electrical devices and their derivatives, as well as products incorporating nano-sized particles

The testing laboratory for determining the impact of various newly created products on cells and organisms, including bio-textiles, electrical devices and their derivatives, as well as products incorporating nano-sized particles. The testing systems and methodologies are designed to avoid the use of vivarium animals in testing.


Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Biotesting before product certification in currently existing certified laboratories

Determination of the effect of various newly created products on cells and organisms, including bio-textiles, electrical devices and their derivatives, products incorporating nano-sized particles. Testing systems and methods are designed to avoid the use of vivarium animals in testing. Biotesting before product certification in currently existing certified laboratories, and later, product certification as well.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Investigation of population genetic diversity of verious plant, bird, fish and mollusk species

Plant, bird, fish and mollusk, etc. study of the genetic diversity of populations of different species (using various systems of molecular markers, determination of cell ploidy and sex by flow cytometry methods) and based on this, assessment of the population status. The hardware complex used for molecular genetics research includes the BD FACSJazz® cell sorter with flow cytometer functions (BD Biosciences, USA) and a DNA Fragment Analyzer.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Determination of the effects of various factors, including premutations and mutagenicity on living organisms (at the level of organisms, cells and DNA), development of new methods

Determination of the effects of various factors, such as premutations and mutagenicity, on living organisms is conducted at the levels of organisms, cells, and DNA. This includes exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields, UV radiation, nanoparticles, urban pollution, chemical compounds, and more. The research also involves the development of new methods. The equipment utilized includes Pyromark-Q24 advanced, a molecular genetics research apparatus, BD FACSJazz® cell sorter with flow cytometer functions (BD Biosciences, USA), DNA Fragment Analyzer, and a hardware complex for molecular genetics research, along with a hardware set for in vitro cultures.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Doubled haploid (DH) producing  (anthers, microspore culture)  and DH lines producing  (barley, wheat, triticale, flax)

DH producing  (anthers, microspore culture)  and DH lines producing  (barley, wheat, triticale, flax ect.). The equipment utilized for this process includes an apparatus for in vitro cultivation and the BD FACSJazz® flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, USA).

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Producing of tetraploid red clover plants (in vitro methods)

Producing of breeding row material, for example, of tetraploid red clover plants (using in vitro methods). Equipment used - apparatus for in vitro cultivation BD FACS Jazz® flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, USA).

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Evaluation and characterization of the plant genetic resources

Evaluation and characterization of the plant genetic resources. Equipment used - apparatus for molecular genetics investigation

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Detection of specific resistance genes (barley, flax)

Detection of specific resistance genes (rust) flax genetic resources. Equipment used - apparatus for molecular genetics investigations.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Restoration of viability of old seeds 

Restoration of viability of old seeds by using tissue culture methods. Equipment used - apparatus for in vitro cultivation.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Cell ploidy determination

Cell ploidy determination. Equipment used - BD FACSJazz® cellsorter on base of flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, USA).

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Epigenetic effect determination 

Determination of different gene methylation. Equipment used - Pyromark-Q24 advanced, apparatus for molecular genetics investigations.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Eloboration of methods and detection of impact of different factors on the cells 

Detection of impact of different factors on the cells (influence of low frequency electromagnetic field, UV, nanoparticles, etc.). Equipment used - BD FACSJazz® flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, USA), apparatus for molecular genetics investigations, apparatus for in vitro cultivation.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Quality evaluation for planting material/ mother plants 

Quality evaluation for planting material or mother plants involves determining the ploidy through flow cytometry-based methods. The analysis includes assessing a variable number of cells, ranging from 10,000 to 50,000, with an error margin of 3%.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Plants, birds, mollusks, etc. study of the genetic diversity of populations of different species and the assessment of the population status based on it

The study involves assessing the genetic diversity of populations of various species such as plants, birds, mollusks, etc. This is accomplished by employing various molecular marker systems and determining cell ploidy and sex through flow cytometry methods. The subsequent assessment of the population status is based on these analyses.

Dace Grauda
(dace.grauda@lu.lv; +371 27080736; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Cell biology

Evaluation of the effect of active substances on cell division and migration

Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of specific active substances and their compositions, determination of their effect on the activity of division and morphological changes in various types of human cells. The choice of cell type is determined by the purpose of using the product, such as anti-aging, whitening cosmetics or anti-cancer drugs, etc.

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Cytotoxicity assay (OECD TG 129)

Cytotoxicity assay in Balb/c 3T3 cell line as recommended. 6-8 different concentrations are tested. Determination of cell viability allows you to select safe concentrations for the inclusion of active substances in the composition of finished products.

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Phototoxicity test (OECD TG 432)

Test for phototoxicity of biologically active substances or biomaterials in the Balb/c 3T3 cell line in accordance with the recommendations after irradiation with a certain dose of UV-A/UV-B. 8 different concentrations are tested. The test allows you to evaluate the effect of UV radiation on the test object and how it affects cell viability. It also allows you to determine whether the test substances have a protective effect that reduces damage caused by UV radiation.

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Determination of anti-radical (antioxidative) activity

The activity of neutralization of DPPH radicals is assessed biochemically. Evaluate 8 different concentrations. The results are presented in tabular form, which quantifies the ability of the samples to neutralize free radicals (expressed in %), compared with standard antioxidants (eg, vitamin C, resveratrol).

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Determination of the diffusion of biologically active substances through the skin

Diffusion test using a Strat-M membrane using the Fanz Cell system. The evaluation is carried out within 24 hours, at two points in time, the concentration of one test substance in the receiving solution is determined chromatographically. Membranes without sample and standard coated membranes with known diffusion are included as controls.

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Analysis of accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skin cell cultures

The assessment is carried out using flow cytometry. The test shows the ability of test samples to protect keratinocytes and/or dermal cells from UV radiation or chemically induced oxidative stress. The active substances are tested at three different concentrations in triplicate. Assays include positive controls (eg, vitamin C, trolox, N-acetylcysteine, resveratrol, choose one).

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Evaluation of anti-inflammatory mediator secretion and gene expression changes in skin cells

Secretion analysis in skin cell cultures (fibroblasts or keratinocytes) after chemical (with bacterial endotoxins (LPS) or PolyI:C) or physical (with UV irradiation) induction of inflammation. Evaluate the ability of the test samples to suppress inflammatory cytokines and stimulate the secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Gene expression analysis - assesses the ability of samples to change the expression of inflammatory mediator genes.

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Evaluation of anti-allergic effect in vitro

Evaluation of the anti-allergic effect of biologically active substances or their combinations in mast cell culture by analyzing the secretion of a marker of cellular degranulation.

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Cell senescence assessment test

The test is carried out on an aging (aged) culture of dermal fibroblasts by flow cytometry, quantifying changes in aging markers in the presence of test samples. The method allows you to evaluate the ability of the test substance to delay cell aging.

Mārtiņš Borodušķis 
(martins.boroduskis@lu.lv; +371 28368901; 

Human and animal physiology

Human vision and vision disorders

The human eye and visual structures. Changes in vision due to the introduction of modern technologies into our daily lives. Visual impairment in children and adults, ways of correcting it and solutions of vision disorders problems. The reducing of visual function disorders and vision discomfort, the development of methods for vision training.


Gunta Krūmiņa
(gunta.krumina@lu.lv; +371 67033945; 

Stereovision, depth perception, spatial perception

Three-dimensional perception – basic optics, basic physiology, and psychology of vision, the development of methods to assess stereovision quality and depth perception, the influence of various factors on the quality of stereovision.

Gunta Krūmiņa
(gunta.krumina@lu.lv; +371 67033945; https://www.fmof.lu.lv/en/about/about-faculty/department-of-optometry-and-vision-science/)


Soil ecology,  entomology, invertebrate zoology, ecology of Collembola

Identification of groups of soil arthropods, methodology of soil ecological studies, data processing and analysis of results.

Viesturs Melecis
(viesturs.melecis@lu.lv; +371 29191557; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Soil ecology, invertebrate zoology, microscopy, taxonomy of Oribatida

Planning of soil ecological studies, identification of soil Oribatida species, photomicrography.

Uģis Kagainis
(ugis.kagainis@lu.lv; +371 29389423; https://lubi.lu.lv/en//)

Entomology, invertebrate zoology, experimental entomology, pest biological control, taxonomy of Mesostigmata species

Planning and organization of entomological studies, determination of Mesostigmata mite species, maintenance of insect and mite cultures.

Ineta Salmane
(ineta.salmane@lu.lv; chuskauss@yahoo.com; +371 25067637; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Soil ecology, invertebrate zoology, taxonomy and ecology of Collembola

Planning of soil zoological studies, collembolan species identification.

Edīte Juceviča
(edite.jucevica@lu.lv; +371 26408598; https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)

Arachnology, taxonomy and ecology of spiders, Aranei

Planning of arachnological studies and spider species identification.

Inese Cera
(inese.cera@lu.lv; +371 26168718;https://lubi.lu.lv/en/)


Vascular flora of Latvia

Identification of vascular plant species, exploration of territory flora, preparation of certified expert opinions on grassland habitats.

Ieva Akmane
Ieva Roze


Diagnostics of mineral nutrition of crops and development of recommendations for its optimization

Mineral nutrition diagnostics for field crops (cereals, rapeseed, vegetables, etc.), greenhouse plants, including hydroponically grown vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.), berry bushes, including non-traditional crops such as American highbush cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, lingonberries, by conducting environmental studies (soil, substrates, nutrient solutions) and plant research.

Anita Osvalde
(anita.osvalde@lu.lv; +371 26167529;

Study of the peculiarities of mineral nutrition of wild plants

Exploration of the growth environment of various wild berries, protected plants, etc., and diagnosis of nutrient status.

Andis Karlsons

Studies on biochemical defence mechanisms of plants under nutrient imbalance and stresses caused by various environmental factors

Determination of biogenic and heavy metals in various organic objects for assessing pollution levels. Evaluation of nutrient imbalances and the influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity, light conditions) on the physiological state of plants.

Anita Osvalde
(anita.osvalde@lu.lv; +371 26167529;

Research and evaluation of the impact of different fertilizers and products of organic origin on plant supply with nutrients

Consultations on the development of substrate and fertilizer formulations for the cultivation and fertilization of various agricultural and decorative crops. Testing of fertilizers and substrates, evaluating the results of plant mineral nutrition diagnostics obtained in experimental studies.

Andis Karlsons

Research on the impact of environmental factors on mineral nutrition of different tree species in urban and forest conditions

Research on the impact of salinity, nutrient element imbalances, and heavy metal pollution on urban trees, exploration of optimization possibilities for mineral nutrition in forest trees, and development of recommendations for improving tree conditions.

Gunta Čekstere


Studies of surface water quality

Comprehensive studies of standing and flowing waters. Assessment of the ecological condition of water bodies based on aquatic invertebrates, aquatic plants, and algae. Assessment of environmental and anthropogenic impacts on surface waters.

Dāvis Ozoliņš

Freshwater biodiversity research

Research of aquatic invertebrates in nature, risk assessment and development of protective measures.

Dāvis Ozoliņš

Long-term studies of freshwater ecosystems

Long-term variability of flowing and stagnant freshwater ecosystems under the influence of environmental factors.

Dāvis Ozoliņš

Expertise of freshwater habitats

Studies of standing and flowing freshwater habitats and aquatic plants in nature, impact and ecological quality assessment, preparation of certified expert opinions.

Laura Grīnberga

Communication, lectures and practical works

Conducting lectures and practical works on aquatic ecosystems, aquatic organism groups; taxonomic identification, and assessment of ecological quality.

Agnija Skuja

Limnology, freshwater ecology, benthic invertebrate (zoobenthos) ecology

Studies on benthic invertebrates, use in bioindication, assessment of the ecological quality of running and standing freshwaters.

Agnija Skuja

Other subgroups of biology (Systems Biology)

Systems biology based modeling and optimisation of cellular metabolism

Analysis of cellular metabolism using various types of mathematical methods: using a system of differential equations for metabolic pathway scale kinetic models and applying linear algebra to genome scale stoichiometric models. In biotechnology, the engineering of organisms to improve production characteristics. In medicine - analysis of the influence of various defects on cellular metabolism, as well as the possibility of its correction.

Egils Stalidzāns
(egils.stalidzans@lu.lv; https://www.lu.lv/en/mbi/)

Other subgroups of biology

Aerobiological monitoring

Aerobiological monitoring, which includes observations of bioaerosols (pollen) in the air, visual recognition under a microscope, concentration calculation, database maintenance.

Olga Sozinova
(olga.sozinova@lu.lv; +371 29727422; https://eztf.lu.lv/en/about-us/about-faculty/