The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (KTO) of the University of Latvia (UL) is organizing a series of online workshops on copyright and intellectual property protection for UL researchers and doctoral students. We are also implementing a procedure for registering know-how and providing global protection, therefore, researchers in the humanities and social sciences are particularly encouraged to grasp their new opportunities and challenges.

Format: free meeting in MS Teams environment - stories, questions and answers, and discussions, with a total duration of 40-45 minutes, once or twice a month.

The planned number of workshops: 6 times, though it may vary depending on the expressed interest and the volume of possible questions and discussions. Participation in every workshop is free.

Workshops are conducted by intellectual property experts from the Patent Office, the Ministry of Culture, the State Plant Protection Service, and the KTO.

Timetable of Workshops:

07/12/2023 at 15:00 – Familiarization with the internal regulations of intellectual property processes and the functions of the responsible institutions of the UL for authors' support.
11/01/2024 at 15:00 – Designs' protection options
25/01/2024 at 15:00 – Copyright and know-how
08/02/2024. at 15:00 – New plant varieties
15/02/2024 at 15:00 – Trademarks

Information about future workshops will be updated.

By applying for workshops by sending an email to, indicating your first and last name, the structural unit of the UL and your UL email address.