
Dr. sc. ing. Edvīns Karnītis

Professor, International Informatization Academy.
Honorary Doctor (Dr. h. c.), Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Private associate professor, University of Latvia.

The head of the knowledge and technology transfer department in the Institute of Electronics and Computing Science of the Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences; the department included a technological laboratory, workshops, design office, experimental production.

Analysis and modelling of Latvian development processes and aspects, author and/or chair of working groups for development of strategic documents (Growth Model of Latvia, National Development Plans, National Program "Informatics", National Innovation System Improvement Program, analysis of national competitiveness and national digital transformation aspects, etc.).

Author of 10 inventions and more than 220 scientific, analytical and technical publications.

Commander of the Cross of Recognition.

Leading expert

Kristīne Čapase Jastržembska

Professional qualification - training course on European patent law by the International Training Center for Intellectual Property (CEIPI) and the European Patent Institute (EPI); fellow of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the management of commercialization of intellectual property assets; LifeArc AUTM Fellow in the Technology Transfer Training Program.

Professional Competencies - Horizon IP Scan intellectual property expert in support of EU-funded research. More than 15 years of experience in the field of intellectual property, working in the private and public sectors, particularly specializing in:

  • drafting, filing, and prosecuting patent applications in various jurisdictions.
  • providing strategic, cross-jurisdictional intellectual property advice for complex patent portfolios.
  • advising on patent validity and infringement.
  • providing freedom to operate (FTO) opinions.
  • conducting IP due diligence reports.

Leading expert

The Master of Engineering degree in Materials Science has been augmented with the training courses on technology transfer and cooperation organized by the European Association for Science and Technology Transfer (ASTP) and project management training conducted by the AFW Business Academy in Bad Harzburg (AWF).

Professional competencies - with over 17 years of business experience, specializing in:

  • valorization of created knowledge and technologies.
  • preparation of intellectual property objects for the valorization process.
  • external communication and cooperation, advertising, and marketing.
  • process management and tracking.

Developed an online auction procedure for University of Latvia's intellectual property and successfully implemented it in the MS Teams environment.

Leading expert

Iveta Ozoliņa

Professional Master in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on enhancing professional knowledge, including expertise in innovation and intellectual property rights protection. Engaged in several international exchange programs to broaden perspectives.

Bringing forth more than 20 years of hands-on experience and expertise in the arenas of innovative economic policies and strategic planning:

  • Collaborated with business organizations in the Ministry of Economy to formulate policies and ensure the development and availability of support instruments for innovative entrepreneurship and product export.
  • At the Cross Sectoral Coordination Center contributed to the development of Latvia's National Development Plans and the reform of the development planning system. Involved in implementing various cross-industry collaboration projects, including coordinating activities to promote collaboration between entrepreneurs and scientists.

Leading expert

Elīna Petrovska

As a grantee of the US Department of State, studied at Monmouth University. Has received several foreign grants in the fields of education, training, and research; participated in the Technopolis Group’s “HEInnovate” program, focusing on strengthening cooperation between universities and businesses; OECD OPSI "Innovation in Government "Step, Leaps, Bounds””.

With more than 17 years of experience and competence in the field of education, science, planning, and innovation policy:

  • In the Ministry of Education and Science, coordinated the formulation of education and science policy, development and implementation of planning documents, analysis and evaluation of results. Represented the ministry in UN thematic debates on the Millennium Development Goals.
  • Addressed current issues in education, science, and innovation at the Cross-sectoral Coordination Center, participated in the development and implementation of several National Development Plans and other strategic documents and activities.