The autumn semester of 2023 proved to be exceptionally productive in terms of licensing rights for the use of objects within the intellectual property (IP) portfolio of the University of Latvia (UL). Twelve exclusive license auctions for IP developed up to TRL 4 were conducted, and the option to use a simple license for UL's IP portfolio remains available to interested parties. This portfolio comprises 3 patents, 1 patent application, and 9 time-stamped, protected electronic know-hows on, spanning the fields of natural sciences, medicine and health sciences, as well as engineering and technological sciences.

Among the exclusive license holders is a startup founded by a team of authors specifically for facility development. Two licenses were acquired by LLC, which are co-authors of the IP, while two licensees were already established by the company's authors. This distribution of licensees, coupled with the fact that 10 licenses were auctioned for a maximum possible period of 5 years, instills confidence in the continued development of licensed properties, potentially reaching TRL 7-8 in the future. In just a month and a half, 16 clients have purchased a simple license.

Currently, UL's intellectual property portfolio encompasses 21 other objects across various industries. The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office of the UL, in collaboration with the authors, remains dedicated to identifying and registering new objects of IP.
